Thursday, November 30, 2006


1) Ever wondered why children cover their faces and think that they are invisible? Well, here's the answer.

2) Why people don't get economics.

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After close to two years I go back to India for nine days and then to Dubai for a close friend's wedding. I want to get my mom something, but I'm not sure what to get her. Any thoughts on what to get her?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm back!

Finishing up applications, interviewing at schools, work, making up for missed taekwondo classes and playing with the pussycat has resulted in a neglected blog. But that's OK since nobody reads this blog!

Stuff I've been meaning to blog about:

1) Tyler on "Why is it so hard to keep the house clean?"

I like reasons 3 & 4.

3. We overrate the liquidity value of inventories. We want many things at hand which are of little or no use, perhaps because of an endowment effect. Most people should throw away anything they have not touched for the last three years.

4. Framing effects mean that we can get used to many kinds of messes. The real problems come from the people who keep their homes clean. Tax them and their cleanliness, for the same reasons that Bob Frank wishes to tax status goods.

2) MR again on "Auction strategy and dating"
In terms of dating, if you run an English auction you go out with many people, if not simultaneously then relatively closely bunched in time, and you stick with the one who offers the most. If you run a Dutch auction you signal clearly your standards (lowering the standards over time if need be), and stick with the first person who bites.
3) It's always suprised me that doctors have succesfully resisted computer-based diagnostic systems in favor of, umm, human memory. MR has the story (again).

4) Is the US the best place in the world to be a woman?
I say yes because of the freedom to afforded to women, but no because of the absence of paid maternity leave and the prevalence of little girls being raised to unrealistic media images of women.

5) How to game "Who wants to be a millionaire" from the folks at MR.

6) Freakonomics on "Why men check cell phones." For the record, I check mine because I use it in lieau of a wrist-watch.

7) MR postulates that the reason people live in cities is because there's more sex available. I prefer cities because there are more restaurants, cultural activities, and plain ol' "stuff to do" than in small towns. However, I really dislike the smug, couldn't care less attitude that is all-too common in cities.

8) Congratulations to Muhammad Yunus for winning the Nobel peace prize.

9) Tyler's "Christmas Gifts" If there's one book that you read/gift/buy this year please, please make it "Stumbling upon Happiness" by Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert.

10) And don't forget to use only fee-based insurance agents/financial planners.
How do I know that I can trust you?

“You don’t. But trust is overrated. Numerous studies have shown that most people are not good at judging who is trustworthy and who isn’t. They think they are, but they’re not. How many times have you seen a story about someone who got duped by a supposedly trustworthy person?”

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I'll keep it short and outsource my diatribes.

From Brad DeLong,

1) "Fat, stupid, and in power is no way to go through life, son"

2) Why you should vote Democratic (and thank superman that you did!).
