Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I flew Emirates from JFK to Mumbai. It was a wonderful experience; the planes were new, the inflight entertainment had 600+ options, and the cabin crew didn't look at you with contempt. Yes, that's 600+. I watched Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and Woody Allen's "Scoop" starring Scarlett Johansson after which I fell asleep to "Carmen." Trust me, I'd rather fly economy on an airline subsidised by your friendly neighbourhood oil-rich sultan than on "business class" on any American airline.

I got a printed menu with my choice of entrees, an eyepatch, toothbrush, and a pair of socks. And the cutlery was real silverware including a real metal knife. There was even a thoughfully provided "Wake me up for Duty Free" sticker.

I had a short lay-over at Dubai airport, where I did some last minute gift-buying and then headed for my Dubai - Mumbai flight.
As the plane touched down in Mumbai, I was very, very excited. Close to two years of anticipation built up as I peered out of the window as we taxied to the gate. The airport was cleaner, and I went thru immigration very quickly. Baggage claim was still a mess. The conveyor belt was much to small, and the airport staff were removing baggage on either side of the belt in an effort to unclog the conveyor belt.

I finally got my bags and proceeded thru customs where the customs officials decided that the line was very long, so they just waived everyone thru. I was very impressed that no one had asked for a bribe or promised to get me thru in return for a "baksheesh."

Outside the airport, India beckoned. Crowded, chaotic, noisy, and full of life at 4:00 am in the morning. Oh, how I missed this!

On the way back, I noticed that the driving seemed a lot more chaotic than before. We in Mumbai have always prized ourselfs on our driving dicipline (by Indian standards). Anyway, halfway home, I asked the driver to switch places with me and I drove home.

I slept for about 5/6 hours (combination of jet lag and excitement) and then I headed out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back. :)

I'm glad to hear your trip out was so good, and am enjoying your pictures, though I have to say it makes me feel a bit clausterphobic...Where is the pic of you??? ;)

Also, isnt Emirates the airline that just announced they'd start letting people use cell phones in flight? That would totally ruin the experience for me...

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

India is clausterphobic!! As a passage in "Karma Cola" explains " In India you're never alone, whereas in America you're always alone." Now this may not be true ALL the time, but there is a germ of truth in it.

I won't be posting a picture of myself on the blog; I value my anonymity. OK, maybe a picture with my face blacked out.

Emirates already allows you to surf the web and has power outlets on every seat. But the jabbering on the cell-phone would be aweful. I'm sure they'l limit the talking.

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though to be fair, I've phptographed the most crowded parts of Mumbai.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Open For Comparison said...

You asked the driver to switch places with you? Now was this a friend driver or a hired professional taxi driver?

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That would be my mom's driver, so yes , a hired professional driver. I love driving , and I was eager to see if I could still drive in India.

6:46 PM  

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