Saturday, April 29, 2006

Not-so-stuffy MBAs

Follies, a Columbia Business School (CBS) student organisation has produced two great videos: “Dean Dean Baby” and “Every Breath You Take.

CBS Follies traces its origin back to 1773 when Alexander Hamilton staged the first show entitled "Tea Party for King George."
Dean Dean Baby stars CBS Dean Glen Hubbard dancing far better than is possible for most male economists. Memorable lines include: "HBS chumps, you're mistaken; I'm cooking B-Schools like a pound of bacon" and "If Excel was a drug, I'd sell it by the gram."

Every Breath You Take is an even funnier spoof by CBS students where the students skewer Hubbard’s disappointment at losing the Fed Chairmanship to Ben Bernanke. This is absolutely hilarious and is made even funnier with lines such as“When demand then dips, and the yield curve flips, I’ll be watching you,” “I feel so wronged and I long for Greenspan’s place,” and “ I keep crying Benny, Benny, Pleeease…,” and "Bet that beard's fake."

CBS was always among my top schools, but I’m now even more inclined to look at CBS favorably. MBA students have a reputation for being very arrogant, stuffy, and rude, but I’ve been very impressed in all my interactions with CBS students/alums, and the above videos seem to suggest that, perhaps, some MBA students even have a sense of humour.

Thanks to Marina for the link.

EDIT: CNBC interviews the students who made the videos.



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